If you have court-appointed community service, you can complete your needed hours with us.
Please arrive at 8:00am Sunday through Friday (community service not accepted on Saturdays), and use the side door entrance when you arrive. You must work at least 4 hours.
It is first come, first serve, and the number of workers we can take will depend on what projects are available.
Please sign in and out on the clip board in the main lobby. Bring any appointed sign-off sheets with you and hold them until the end of the day or when you are ready to leave. We will sign them at the end of your service that day.
You may bring your own food and drinks. There is a separate fridge for your food and drink items. We suggest you label them with your name. Anything left in the fridge after you leave will be thrown out.
We expect you to work and follow directions while you are here. Goofing off, excessive breaks, sleeping, hiding, not following directions, etc. may be grounds to send you home and possibly asked not to return.